Issue 36

Ok, so we’re not perfect – who is? Here is the errata for any misprints in pattern instructions. Of course, if you find any yourself, do let us know!


Right Shoulder German Short Rows
Note: Continue to work Crux Body Pattern as set while working short rows. If you have been using the all-in-one Crux method, it may be easier to switch to the simple method at this point and embroider the remaining vertical lines after finishing the shoulder.
Short row 1 (RS) (hor st row): Patt across 30 (32, 36, 38, 42, 44, 44, 48, 50) sts, turn.
Short row 2 (WS): Create DS, p8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14), PM, p to end.
Short row 3 (RS): Patt to marker, remove marker, turn.
Short row 4 (WS): Create DS, p8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14), PM, p to end.
Rep Short rows 3-4 once more, while working horizontal stitching in patt.
Next row (RS): Patt to marker, remove marker, turn.
Next row (WS): Create DS, p to end. (resolving DS instruction is omitted here)
Next row (RS) (hor st row): Patt to end, resolving DS as you pass them.
Next row (WS): Purl.
Next row (RS): Knit.
Place Right Shoulder sts on hold.

Left Shoulder German Short Rows
Note: Continue to work Crux Body Pattern as set while working short rows. If you have been using the all-in-one Crux method, it may be easier to switch to the simple method at this point and embroider the remaining vertical lines after finishing the shoulder.
Short row 1 (RS) (hor st row): Patt to end.
Short row 2 (WS): P30 (32, 36, 38, 42, 44, 44, 48, 50), turn.
Short row 3 (RS): Create DS, patt across 8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14) sts, PM, patt to end.
Short row 4 (WS): P to marker, remove marker, turn.
Rep Short rows 3-4 twice more, while working horizontal stitching in patt.
Next row (RS) (hor st row): Create DS, patt to end. (resolving DS instruction is omitted here)
Next row (WS): Purl, resolving DS as you pass them.
Next row (RS): Knit.
Place Left Shoulder sts on hold.

Lucky Pieces

Work RH Corner Triangle once, work 21 (25, 29, 33, 37) RS Rectangles, work LH Corner Triangle once. Work WS Rectangles

WS End Triangle
* Pick-up row (WS): Pick up and purl 6 sts evenly along edge of triangle just worked, turn. 7 sts
Row 1 (RS): K7, turn.
Row 2 (WS): P2tog, p4, p3tog (last st of triangle and first 2 sts of next triangle/rectangle), turn.
Row 3: Sl1, k5, turn.
Row 4: P2tog, p3, p2tog, turn.
Row 5: Sl1, k4, turn.
Change yarn.
Row 6: P2tog, p2, p2tog, turn.
Row 7: Sl1, k3, turn.
Row 8: P2tog, p1, p2tog, turn..
Row 9: Sl1, k2, turn.
Row 10: P2tog, p2tog, turn
Row 11: Sl1, k1, turn.
Row 12 (WS): P3tog. Do not turn. 1 st *
Rep from * to * across row or as indicated. 

RS End Triangle:
Row 2 (RS): Ssk, k4, sssk etc.



p.62 ALL sizes again

Work connecting hood squares as foll:

Using larger circular needles and 2-colour long-tail cast-on method, cast on 45 (53, 57, 65, 45, 53, 57) sts, beg and ending with yarn A. 

p.63 ALL sizes again

To shape the hood and close the final gap between hood sides, work a triangle as foll:

Using smaller circular needles, pick up 23 (27, 29, 33, 23, 27, 29) sts from the prev hood square edge. Using larger circular needles, alternating yarn A and B, [kfpb] to last st, k1A. 45 (53, 57, 65, 45, 53, 57) sts 

Row 1 (WS): Twist yarns together, ssp tbl 1 edge st of adjacent square with 1 yarn A st, BYB, [k1B, BYF, p1A, BYB] to last 2 sts, k1B, BYF, p2tog 1 yarn A st with 1 edge st of adjacent square. 

Dec Row 2 (RS): Twist yarns together, k2tog first st with 1 edge st from the prev square, BYF, p1B, BYB, with spare needle rearrange next 4 sts to have 2 yarn A sts in a row and 2 yarn B sts in a row, ssk 2 yarn A sts, BYF, p2tog 2 yarn B sts, BYB, [k1A, BYF, p1B, BYB] to last 7 sts, k1A, BYF, rearrange next 4 sts to have 2 yarn B sts in a row and 2 yarn A sts in a row, ssp tbl 2 yarn B sts, BYB, k2tog 2 yarn A sts, BYF, p1B, BYB, ssk 1 yarn A st with 1 edge st of adjacent square. 4 sts dec, 41 (49, 53, 61, 41, 49, 53) sts rem
Row 3 (WS): Rep row 1.

Row 4 (RS): Twist yarns together, k2tog first st with 1 edge st from the prev square, BYF, p1B, BYB, [k1A, BYF, p1B, BYB] to 1 st before EOR, ssk 1 yarn A st with 1 edge st of adjacent square. 

Row 5 (WS):  Rep row 1.

While working Stripe Sequence, rep rows 2-5 for 4 (4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5) more reps. 16 (20, 20, 20, 16, 20, 20) sts dec, 25 (33, 33, 41, 25, 33, 33) sts rem

Then rep only rows 2-3 until 9 sts rem. (You should have 5 sts in yarn A and 4 sts in yarn B.)

Row 6 (RS): Twist yarns together, k2tog 1 yarn A st with 1 edge st from adjacent square, BYF, rearrange next 5 sts to have 2 yarn B sts in a row and 3 yarn A sts in a row, p2tog 2 yarn B sts, BYB, s2kpo with Yarn A, BYF, rearrange next 2 sts to have 2 yarn B sts in a row, ssp tbl 2 yarn B sts, BYB, ssk 1 yarn A st with 1 edge st of adjacent square. 5 sts

Row 7 (WS): Twist yarns together, ssp tbl 1 edge st with 1 yarn A st, BYB, k1B, BYF, p1A, BYB, k1B, BYF, p2tog 1 yarn A st with 1 edge st. Break yarn B. 

Row 8 (RS): With yarn A, ssk, k1, cast off prev st, k2tog, cast off prev st. 1 st rem

(Now cont as written in publication)